Leann and Chris are the official parents of "Anthony": Anton John (sometimes called AJ) Putz. This picture of Leann and AJ was taken while visiting, prior to court. They are on their way to Iowa soon.
I am so grateful to Leann and Chris for adopting and loving this little boy. In the bit that I have gotten to know them, they truly seem God-sent for this child, and clearly love him to pieces. Thank you God, for all the strings you have pulled to make this happen. Score a big win for the culture of life!
Our own adoption journey continues...getting close...you can see more about our work to adopt Alex at http://www.wdadoption.blogspot.com (and email us or leave a message here if you want to be added to the private blog. We're adding anyone we know who wants to read along). We also have a page on facebook, and we could direct you to that.
News continues for Reagan (formerly Tori)...she is doing great! You can see a picture of her and all her siblings as "A Torch for Teagan" (below). Oh by the way, that page is about her family adopting AGAIN...two boys with Down Syndrome...they are an amazing family. I encourage you to help them out!

Please, continued prayers for AJ's family: transition always comes with its own challenges! But today is a good, great, amazing day in God's kingdom!